
information engineers for infrastructural projects

At Infranea, we have a passion for Information Engineering. We aim to take a leading role in creating, managing, sharing, and utilizing information in infrastructure projects, contributing to the digital transformation of the infrastructure sector.

Through our services[1], we promote information-driven collaboration among all disciplines and stakeholders throughout the entire lifecycle of projects. Our team of 40 engineers and consultants work with clients such as national and local governments, contractors, and/or consortiums.

Infranea ensures a robust information provision. With our pragmatic approach focused on the most significant project risks, we assist our clients in making better decisions, promoting collaboration and communication, reducing failure costs, and creating more customer value – in short, #IE4IP.

[1] Our services

  • Systems Engineering
  • Parametric Design
  • Model-Based Design
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • (Construction) Information Management – (B)IM
  • Digital Twins



Infranea as full lifecycle partner

We give our clients an edge as early as the tender phase by making the commitment to be involved before, during and after the construction phase. By taking on information management from A to Z or per phase, we become a full lifecycle partner for the client. Great knowledge of infrastructure works on the one hand and digitalization and processes on the other is combined. “We position ourselves as Information Engineers for complex, large infrastructure projects. In concrete terms, this means that we support our clients with the conversion of project data into information that is usable to make the right decision at the right time, for example in terms of maintenance and/or renovation. In addition to designing and generating information, we also focus on managing it. And that for the entire life cycle.”

Detecting problems in advance

Infranea recently helped the Flemish Institute for Mobility with research into environmental influences on the behavior of road users. Jaap de Boer: “For example, the effect of the cast shadow of wind turbines on road users was tested through simulations. Other examples of Information Engineering are the A16 tunnel project in Rotterdam or the swing bridge at Sluiskil. A digital twin of both was made. By combining Virtual Reality with the actual control software of the installation, the customer was able to perform virtual tests, validate the project with stakeholders and use the digital environment for education, training and exercises.

In addition, information engineering also contributes to efficient asset management. By linking digital twins to sensors, we can analyze and simulate expectation patterns.”
The fact that Infranea is playing the Information Engineering card to the fullest is not entirely surprising. As cited earlier, all the know-how and experience is present. “Because we combine the various competencies-digitization, processes and infrastructure-the client finally finds a solution with us.”


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